
Is male vasectomy permissible?

Question: What is the ruling on vasectomies for males if they do not want to have anymore children? I’m hearing mixed opinions and I want to hear your opinion. Answer:...... read more >

10th Sep 2020 by Our Imam

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty permissible?

Question: Hi, I have a deviated septum, bent nostril where one nostril is smaller than the other. I want to get non-surgical rhinoplasty. It will straighten my nose. The filler...... read more >

10th Sep 2020 by Our Imam

Adhan of a Child

Question: What is the ruling for a non-baligh child to give adhan or iqamah in the presence of baligh people who are very knowledgeable, learned, and huffaz and a’immah. Answer:...... read more >

6th Sep 2020 by Our Imam

What will constitute valid gifting?

Question: Muhammad owns a property. He was thinking of giving his wife half ownership of the property and may have made an intention in his heart to gift it. He...... read more >

2nd Sep 2020 by Our Imam

Who was Sayyidunā Mu‘āwiyah?

Foreword by Muftῑ Ebrahῑm Desai Ṣāḥib (Ḥafidhahullah) A loyal child is ultra-sensitive to the dignity of his father. If his father becomes a victim of undue humiliation, he would stand...... read more >

26th Aug 2020 by Our Imam

Are designer babies permissible?

Question: Salamun Alaikum I am in the process of compiling a study entitled ‘Designer Babies: An Islamic perspective’ as part of my Masters in Islamic Law. I would like to...... read more >

25th Aug 2020 by Our Imam