
How do I deal with my cruel mother?

Question: ‘My mother is toxic. She taunts me all the time and makes me cry and insecure. I feel useless. She forces me to study all the time and never...... read more >

7th Aug 2020 by Our Imam

Plagues entering Makkah and Madinah

QUESTION:  Assalamuailaikum.  Could you please give some clarification regarding the ahadith that speak of plagues (ta’un) entering Makkah and Madinah.  I understand that the Prophet PBUH said th... read more >

20th Jul 2020 by Our Imam

Wishing for death

Shortened Question: Is it permissible to wish for death (on finding it difficult to abstain from sin)? Question: Salam. Sub: asking dua for good death in certain situation. I just...... read more >

6th Apr 2016 by Our Imam

Imitation Rings for Women

  Shortened Question: Is it permissible for women to wear imitation rings? Question: Mufti Saheb, please advice with the following question. Is it permissible for women to wear imitation rings?...... read more >

28th Mar 2016 by Our Imam

Bracelets and Rings

Shortened Question: Can women wear fake bangles and fake rings? Question: Can women wear tose bangles and rings which are fake, they look like gold and silver but arent Answer:...... read more >

28th Mar 2016 by Our Imam

Forgetting in Salaah

Shortened Question: Should I read surah fatiha and surah or not? Question: An elderly woman complains of being forgetful in salah, many a time she cannot remember if she read...... read more >

28th Mar 2016 by Our Imam

Atheism and Big Bang theory

Shortened Question: How to confront ideas of disbelief and the big bang theory? Question: ASLKM. I pray you are well.I am right now in distress. I am a practising Muslim...... read more >

28th Mar 2016 by Our Imam