

The Qurbani season (sacrificing an animal at Eid al-Ad`ha) is here. I have seen many charities and organisations displaying posters, leaflets and brochures offering to execute Qurbani at a range of different prices. However, while a small animal in some countries, such as Philippines, may cost only £20; and in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India etc., it costs between £55 and £70; the same type is offered at around £200 in some needy countries such as Palestine. Many people may choose the cheaper option and countries where the animal is expensive are deprived from enjoying extra meat due to expenses. Where will I receive most reward in having my animal slaughtered? Is there any difference in reward or benefit based on where the Qurbani is done?


The practice of Qurbani (sacrificing an animal and sharing its meat amongst people) is a salient and an outstanding feature of Islam. To honour, respect and cherish the salient features of the religion of Allah is an expression of piety of the heart. This Islamic ritual of Qurbani commemorates and represents the great sacrifice undertaken by Ibrahim (peace be upon him) when he was readily prepared to sacrifice his son, Isma`eel (peace be upon him), upon the order of Allah. Allah did not want him to take his son`s life away but wanted to test whether Ibrahim (peace be upon him) expresses and illustrates his unrestricted love for Allah by acting upon His instruction.

While Qurbani presents an opportunity for the poor and needy to enjoy meat, the very purpose of Qurbani is to seek the closeness of Allah through sacrificing an animal, and ultimately, abandoning carnal desires. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated:

“There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horn, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart!”

One should not execute the slaughtering of the animal to merely emancipate himself from the obligation of having an animal slaughtered. The slaughtering of an animal is an act of worship in itself. Thus, it is preferable for a person to endeavour to experience the spirit of Qurbani and be present where his animal is being slaughtered.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised his daughter:

“Oh Fatimah, stand up and witness the slaughtering of your animal. All your sins will be forgiven at the fall of the first drop of blood. And verily, the animal shall be brought forward on the Day of Judgement with its meat and blood and shall be increased in weight seventy times, and then placed on the scale of deeds.” Abu Saeed (May Allah be pleased with him) asked, “Oh Messenger of Allah, is this exclusive to the family of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who have been distinguished with goodness or for Muslims in general?” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied, “[This reward is] for the family of Muhammad and for the general Muslims too”.

In reference to your question, the Prophetic instruction for a Muslim is to slaughter his Qurbani animal personally and not to assign for it to be slaughtered at any other place or country. This is based on the following points:

It is preferable to slaughter the animal by the individual himself or at least for the person to witness his Qurbani animal being slaughtered.

However, it must be noted that the law of the country must not be violated. Hence, a person should not attempt to slaughter the animal at a place other than designated specifically for the cause by the relevant bodies. Similarly, a person should not slaughter an animal himself without being licensed and authorised by the relevant authorising body. However, he may witness his animal being slaughtered while following the protocols and laws concerning the abattoir as specified in the UK and EU law.

As for the consumption of the meat, it is also preferable for the person himself to consume the meat from his Qurbani animal and also feed others from it. The most virtuous method of distributing the meat is to distribute one third of the Qurbani meat to the poor and needy; one third to his relatives and neighbours; and the remaining third to be kept for the person himself. However, if one’s own family members are poor and needy, then it is virtuous to distribute all the meat among them.

This ritual and this season is a perfect opportunity for us as Muslims to extend our generosity and feed our families, friends, neighbours, homeless people, and other fellow citizens.

While it is more virtuous for one to slaughter the animal himself and witness the spirit of Qurbani, he may assign his Qurbani animal to be slaughtered abroad. In doing so, the following points should be considered:

The ideal situation is to sacrifice an animal locally in order to witness the spirit of Qurbani as well as to expresses sympathy and solidarity with other fellow human beings by having another Qurbani done abroad.

Do not choose to do Qurbani abroad just because it is a cheaper option. Remember Allah is aware of the intention of our hearts. The reward of Qurbani increases for the one who bears the most sacrifice. Allah proclaims:

“You will never achieve birr (ultimate reward) until you spend from that what you love,”   and that, “It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you.”

Hence if a person sacrifices more money upon purchasing his Qurbani animal, he will be rewarded accordingly.

A person conducting the slaughtering of his animal in another country should give preference to a place where the residents are most in need; especially those countries which have been afflicted with poverty or a catastrophe, such as Somalia, Mali, Iraq, Syria, Palestine etc.

It is also important that a person confirms and verifies the registration, reliability and legitimacy of an organisation before entrusting them with the execution of his Qurbani.

The ideal situation is that if there are few family members, then to allocate the Qurbani to be executed in different places on behalf of different members of the same family or friend circle. Hopefully, in this way, they will be rewarded further for attempting to benefit a wide range of people. For example, one animal could be slaughtered in a most needy country albeit expensive, such as Palestine (where a small animal costs around £200); while the other, in a country where their relatives can benefit from too, such as Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc. (where the cost of a small animal ranges between £30 and £70); and a third, locally, where family members, friends, relatives and neighbours can enjoy from the meat.

May Allah accept our intentions, endeavours and sacrifices. Ameen

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Posted in General on 7th Dec 2015 by Our Imam | 1439 Views | Leave a comment

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