Maintaining Spiritual Well-being At Times Of Calamities And Difficulties

  • Have firm believe that all conditions are from Allah Ta‘ala.

All conditions, favourable or unfavourable, are from Allah – nothing occurs without His will. The Glorious Qur`an states: “He regulates all matters.” [13: 2; also see: 6: 59]

  • Let`s look into our lives; let‘s try to be better Muslims.

The Glorious Qur`an states, “Whatever calamity befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned,” [42: 30] and, “Calamities have appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of the people have earned, so that He (Allah) makes them taste some of what they did, in order that they may return (to the right way).” [30: 41]

Even though a calamity or a disease may spread through natural causes, behind those causes are  the workings of Allah, whose hidden system is super-imposed upon us, even though we may not see it as such.

Is this virus a test or a punishment?

Some scholars have said: If one becomes aware of his sins and faults and finds greater inclination toward seeking pardon from Allah, then it is a sign of Allah`s kindness and favour. But if one gets frustrated and indulges more in sins and evil, then it is a sign of Allah’s wrath and torment.

What can we do at times of calamity and difficulty?

  • Seek reward from Allah. The pandemic is a punishment for some and a mercy for others.

“Who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls Him, and removes hardship?” [Qur`an, 27: 62]

A`ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated, “I asked Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) about plague.” He informed me that it is a punishment that Allah sends upon whomsoever he wills. But, surely, Allah has made it a mercy for the believers. Whoever remains in his town when plague strikes it, patiently, seeking reward from Allah and knowing that only what Allah has decreed for him shall happen to him will earn a reward similar to that of a martyr.” [Bukhari]

  • Praise Allah continuously.

Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Allah says, ‘When I try one of my slaves who is a believer [with illness or anxiety] and he praises Me for the trial with which I try him, then he will get up from his bed without sins as he was on the day his mother had given birth to him.` Allah then says [to the angels], `I restricted My slave [by this sickness] and I have tried My slave [to see whether he is  grateful or not].  So continue to record for him [in his record of deeds] what you had been recording for him (i.e., his righteous deeds) when he was healthy. [Ahmad]

  • Exercise patience.

The Prophet PBUH said, “If a believer experiences favourable conditions, he should express gratitude, and this is good for him. And if he experiences unfavourable conditions, he should   exercise patience, and this is good for him.” [Muslim]

Jabir RA narrated that Prophet PBUH visited Um As-Sa`ib and asked, “What happened to you? Why are you shivering?” She complained, “I have fever. May Allah not bless it!” He PBUH said, “Do not curse fever, for it removes the sins of the sons (offspring) of Adam in the same way as bellows removes the dross of iron.” [Muslim]

  • Keep hope in divine mercy.

The Qur`an states, “And do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Only the disbelieving nation lose hope in Allah`s mercy.” [12: 87; also see: 39: 53]

  • Fulfil all religious duties, particularly salah.

Whenever any matter worried the Prophet PBUH, he would hasten towards salah. [Abu Dawud] The Prophet PBUH said, “The person who offers the Fajr salah is under the protection of Allah.” [Muslim] He PBUH also said, “Hold firm onto the salah of the night, for verily it is the way of the pious before you, a means of gaining closeness to your Lord, an expiation of sins, a barrier from sins, and it removes sickness from the body.” [Tabarani]

  • Abstain from sins

Nu`man b. Bashir says, “Indeed, complete destruction is to continue to commit evil [even] during the times of calamity.”

  • Recite the surats ikhlas, falaq and nas before retiring to sleep, after waking up, after every salah.

The Prophet PBUH said, “Recite surat `l-Ikhlas, surat `l-Falaq and surat `n-Nas in the morning and evening three times each, and they will protect/ suffice you from everything.” [Abu Dawud] This was also his PBUH practice each night before going to sleep. [Nasa`I, Abu Dawud] When sickness increased, A`ishah RA would do this on his behalf and assist him in passing his hands over his blessed body. [Malik]

  • Learn specific du`as and recitals.

The Prophet PBUH would make the following du`a: “Al-laa-hum-ma in-ni a`oo-zu-bi-ka mi-nal ba-ra-s wal-ju-noon wal-ju-zaam wa min say-yi-il as-qaam (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from leprosy, madness, elephantiasis, and from [all] evil diseases.)” [Abu Dawud]

He PBUH also said, “Laa-haw-la  wa  laa  quw-wa-ta  il-laa bil-laah” is  a  cure  for  99  sicknesses, the smallest of which is severe worry [of this world and the hereafter].” (Mustadrak; Tabarani]

The Prophet PBUH would supplicate every morning and evening, “Al-laa-hum-ma in-ni as-a-lu-kal `aa-fi-yah fid-dun-ya wal-aa-khi-rah (Allah, I ask You for safety and well-being in this

Abu Bakrah RA would recite this du’a thrice every morning and evening, as he heard Prophet PBUH reciting it: “Al-laa-hum-ma `aa-fi-ni fi ba-da-ni, al-laa-hum-ma `aa-fi-ni fi sam`i, al-laa-hum-ma `aa-fi-ni fi ba-sa-ri. Laa i-laa-ha il-laa ant (O Allah, Make my body healthy, make my hearing healthy, and make my eyesight healthy. There is no Deity but You.)” [Abu Dawud]

  • Make regular tasbih

Imam  Shafi`i  has  stated  that  the  best  action  in  an  epidemic  is tasbih, since zikr (remembrance of Allah) removes punishment. The Qur`an states regarding Yunus AS, “Had he not been amongst those who engaged in tasbih, he would have stayed in its stomach till the Day of Resurrection.”

  • Recite an abundance of durud sharif

A man asked, “O Messenger, how will it be if I should devote all my time for the recitation of salutations on you?” Prophet PBUH replied, “In that case, Allah shall alleviate all your worries, in this world and the hereafter.” [Ahmad]

  • Seek forgiveness from Allah

The Prophet PBUH said, “Whoever holds firm onto istighfaar, Allah will make for him an opening from every grief, an exit from every difficulty, and Allah will grant him sustenance from where he never imagined.” [Abu Dawud]

  • Make supplication (du`a), continuously and earnestly.

“Allah does not accept the du`a from an inattentive heart.” [`t-Tirmidhi]

The Qur`an states, “Your Lord says, ‘Call to Me so that I may respond to your call.” [40: 60]; and, “When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am near. I accept   the supplication of the supplicant when he supplicates to Me.” [2: 186]; and “Who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls Him, and removes hardship?” [27: 62]

  • Take all precautions.

The Prophet PBUH said, “Cleanliness is half of faith (iman).” [Muslim]

Wash the hands regularly, and perform regular ablution (wudhu). For example, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “The blessings of food is to wash before and after eating.” [Tirmidhi] He PBUH also said, ““If anyone of you performs wudhu, he should  put  water  in  his  nose  and  then  blow  it  out … And whoever wakes up from his sleep should wash his hands before putting  them in the utensil …” [Bukhari]

Cover the face as and when required. “When Prophet PBUH used to sneeze, he would place his hand or his garment over his face, and he would lower his voice.” [Abu Dawud; `t-Tirmidhi]

  • Do not travel and intermingle unnecessarily.

The Prophet PBUH said, “If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

  • If a calamity has afflicted anyone else, then regard as your own. Make du`a for him and assist him in any possible manner [including shopping, transportation etc.].

The Prophet PBUH said, “Whoever makes it easy for a person in difficulty (by assisting financially, overlooking a debt, etc.), Allah will grant ease to him in the world and the hereafter.” [Bukhari, Muslim]

  • Give charity

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Verily, charity extinguishes the anger of Allah and removes an evil death.” [Tirmidhi] He PBUH said, “Hasten with charity, because calamities do not surpass it.” [Shu`ab `l-Iman] He PBHU also said, “Charitable deeds save one from calamities, discreet and undisclosed charity cools the anger of Allah …” and “Charity removes seventy doors of evil.” (`l-Mu’jam `l-Kabir] He PBUH also said, “Protect your wealth by giving zakat, cure your sick through charity, and face calamities with du`a and humbleness.” [`-Tabarani]

  • Offer condolences [whether by text, call or email] to the bereaved family of those who have died due to the pandemic

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “[Dying in a] plague is martyrdom for every Muslim.” [Bukhari]

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Posted in General on 16th Feb 2021 by Our Imam | 1873 Views