In the Honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

The respect, honour and love of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is a prerequisite for all. He occupies a central position in Islam after Allah Ta‘ala, Himself. Below-under are some basic points and guidelines in respect to our belief about the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). It is as relevant and useful to non-Muslims as to Muslims in order to understand why The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) matters so much to more than a billion around the globe. 

  • The Messenger of Allah 

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the infallible servant and Messenger of Allah Ta‘ala. He was chosen and selected by Allah over the enter creation. He was the epitome of humility and obedience to Allah Ta‘ala.

We must believe that he is the true prophet, sent to all mankind and jinn, (34: 28; 25: 1) whose arrival was prophesied in the previous scriptures. [61:6; 2: 146]  

  • The Last Messenger 

He is the last of the prophets, and there would be no prophet after him. This belief is clearly and categorically outlined in the Qur’an and Hadith literature. The divine law and The Qur’an, he introduced to the humanity, abrogates all previous divine laws. [3:19; 3: 85; 5: 3]  

  • The Messenger of all Messengers 

Just as he (Peace Be Upon Him) was the prophet to all the people, at his time and after him; similarly, he was the prophet to all other prophets and superior to them. [3:81)  

  • The Perfect Messenger 

Allah Ta‘ala completed and perfected the religion of Islam; thus, there is no need for any further prophet, book or universal. (6:3) True faith is in believing that there is no creation or human in possession of as good an outward and inward beauty, handsomeness and manners as Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). [Ashraf al-Wasa`il] His life, ways and appearance indicate unparalleled perfection. He was sent last to perfect the religion and good character. The Qur’an described him as, ” ... not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. And Allah is aware of all things.” [33:40]  

  • The Accepted Messenger 

It is in loving him, emulating his ways and sharing his teachings that we will earn Allah`s love, forgiveness and mercy. [33:21; 3:31; 3: 132; 4: 63-64; 4: 68; 7: 157; 8: 20; 59:7; 64:8; 48:13] The Qur’an states, “Say. (O Muhammad), “If you love Allah, then follow me, (so] Allah will love you and for give you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. [3:31) 

  • The Merciful Messenger 

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was extremely compassionate, kind and sincere towards His ummah; hence, Allah declared, “The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves,” [33: 6] and decreed that the Prophet`s judgement among us should take precedence over our own preferences. [Ibn Kathir] A believer will overlook his self, his wealth and his family, and put love for Allah and His Messenger before his love for anything else from the creation. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) expressed, “None of you will have [complete] faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.” [Bukhari] 

He (PBUH) also explained, “My example and the example of the people is that of a man who made a fire, and when it lighted what was around it, moths and other insects started falling into the fire. The man tried (his best) to prevent them, (from falling in the fire) but they overpowered him and rushed into the fire.” He (PBUH) further added, “Now, similarly, I take hold of the knots at your waist (belts) to prevent you from falling into the Fire, but you insist on falling into it.” [Bukhari] 

  • The Respected Messenger 

Just as it was disrespectful and unlawful to raise voices before him in his lifetime; similarly, it is disrespectful and unlawful to do so in front of his grave or when his traditions are recited. [49: 2] 

  • The Noble Messenger 

His noble traits included: submission to Allah, generosity, kindness, forbearance, courage, bravery, foresightedness, wisdom, knowledge, patience, forgiveness, gentleness, eloquence, determination, humility, trustworthiness, honesty etc. 

  • The Exemplary Messenger 

Indeed, in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as The Qur`an states, “ … is an excellent example for you to follow …” [33: 21]. To learn about who he was, you may refer to; Provisions for the Hereafter (Ibn al-Qayyim), The Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Ibn Kathir), Prophet of Mercy PBUH (Sh. Ali Nadwi), A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad (based on the work of Imam`t-Tirmidhi). 

Some possible ways to show that Prophet Muhammad (Peace BE Upon Him) really does matters to us: 

  • Use this opportunity to revive his effort and message; 
  • Purchase a book on his life, biography and ways; 
  • Listen to a suitable and complete audio series [as per the guidance from a qualified scholar] on His noble life; 
  • Set a daily target of extending salutations (durud) on Him; 
  • Read or listen to discourses from Qasidah al-Burdah (The Poem of the Scarf) of al-Busiri, once a week; 
  • Conduct daily study-circle on his sayings and teachings; 
  • Set a family target from the books on sunnats (practices); 
  • Gift a book on his life or traits to at least one Muslim and one non-Muslim friend/ neighbour/ colleague; 
  • Emulate His conduct and attract people through His noble character; 
  • Make continuous supplication for the love of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) and our guidance; 
  • Inspire the next generation by hosting competitions on composing poetry, writing article or designing posters on his character, life and message. Their work should be encouraged in the form of prizes and appreciation of their efforts; 
  • Finance literature, ads and billboards with his character and teachings; 
  • Exploit all positive, legal and peaceful avenues to tackle hate or propaganda against him or any other prophet; 
  • Run positive ads to educate the masses, Muslims and non-Muslims, about our beloved Prophet (PBUH); 
  • Facilitate, perhaps online, seerah events for Muslims and Discover The Prophet PBUH events for non-Muslims. 
  • Create an effective, professional and united campaign online to promote his ways, and clarify any misunderstandings. 

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Posted in General on 11th Nov 2020 by Our Imam | 3027 Views