When is the best time to drink water while eating – before, after, or during a meal?

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When is it the best time to drink water while you’re eating. Is it before eating or after eating or during a meal as I have heard it is makruh to drink water before/after a meal?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

From an Islamic standpoint, it is permissible to drink water before, during or after eating.

Nonetheless, from a medical perspective, some have argued that the optimal time to consume water is during a meal, while cautioning against drinking immediately before and after eating, as it may have adverse effects on health.

And Allah Ta’ālā Knows Best
Zayd Imran

Concurred by:
Hanif Yusuf | Ibn Talha


According to Ibn al-Qayyim, a Hanbali scholar, it is not recommended to drink water before and after meals due to perceived harms. However, this topic is still debated among medical experts.

ولم يكن من هديه أن يشرب على طعامه، فيفسده ولاسيما إذا كان الماء حارًا، أو بارداً قوله ويكره شرب الماء عقيب الرياضة والتعب وعقيب الجماع وعقيب الطعام وقبله وعقيب أكل الفاكهة وإن كان الشرب عقيب بعضها أسهل من بعض وعقيب الحمام وعند الانتباه من النوم، فهذا كله مناف لحفظ الصحة
[Zād al-Ma'ād: 4:205: Mu'assasah al-Risālah]

ان تمام چیزوں کے پیش نظر احقر اس نتیجہ پر پہونچا ہے کہ شرعی نقطۂ نظر سے کراہت اور عدم کراہت کی کوئی دلیل نہیں ہے، کھانے سے پہلے، یا کھانے کے بیچ میں، یا کھانے کے بعد کوئی پانی پی لیتا ہے، تو اس میں کسی قسم کی شرعی کراہت کا حکم نہیں لگے گا ؟ البتہ طبی نقطۂ نظر سے کھانے سے پہلے یا بعد میں پانی پینا نقصان دہ ہے؛ اس لئے طبی کراہت اس میں لازم آتی ہے، اور کھانے کے بیچ میں چونکہ طبی کراہت نہیں ہے؛ اس لئے بیچ میں پینے میں نہ شرعی کراہت ہے ، نہ طبی کراہت ہے
[Fatāwā Qāsmiyah: 24:44: Maktabah Ashrafiyyah]

It is essential to note that this topic is still a matter of debate in the scientific and medical community. Different individuals may have different responses to drinking water around mealtime, and more research is needed to establish concrete guidelines. However, we have referenced some websites and research that suggest potential effects of drinking water too soon before and after meals.




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Posted in Aadaab (Ettiquettes & Manners)MiscelleaneousDaily Matters on 21st Jul 2023 by Our Imam | 1665 Views