Is it permissible to use a chastity cage to avoid masturbating?


Assalamu alaikum….I am 26 years old.. I worked in a private company before but now i am jobless so cant get married. I have mastrubation problem.. I cant control it i tried fasting, even prayed and asked for forgiveness to allah. But still i do mastrubate. A friend of mine asked to buy a chastity cage and lock my organ so i cant mastrubate. I need to know whetber its allowed or its haram. Kindly advise me i need it very badly… Please help me..


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

A chastity cage is a device that is used to cage a man’s private parts to stop him from maintaining an erection or pleasuring himself in any way. There are many possible harms associated with using this device. These include:

  • The restricting of nocturnal/spontaneous erections, leading to extreme pain. [1]
  • Placing stress upon the private parts, which can cause a loss of circulation, leading to erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections. [2]
  • Maintaining cleanliness can be difficult as it will challenging to clean the private parts when it is the device. [2]
  • Developing rashes and blisters on the private parts. [1]

Thus, such a device should not be used at all. [3]

Rather, other possible measures should be sought in order to respond to the predicament, such as:

  • Installing porn blockers like OpenDNS
  • Joining a support group or a forum like NoFap
  • Engaging in a set amount of remembrance of Allah
  • Continuously making dua to Allah for help in abstaining from this sin
  • Avoiding being alone and staying in sight of others such as friends or family
  • Keeping busy in good and beneficial actions (An idle mind is the devil’s workshop)
  • Getting rid of any means to committing this sin
  • Reprimanding yourself whenever you commit the sin for example, by giving a monetary fine or fasting
  • Fasting regularly to restrain carnal desires
  • Getting married
  • Trying to stay in the company of pious people

And Allah Ta’ālā Knows Best
Luqmaan Mohamed

Concurred by: Hanif Yusuf




عن سمرة بن جندب: أنَّ النبيَّ ﷺ نهى عن التَّبَتُّل
[Sunan al-Tirmidhī: 354: Dār al-Siddīq]

وقيل: المراد في قَوْله تَعالى: ﴿فَلَيُغَيِّرُنَّ خَلْقَ اللَّهِ﴾ [النساء ١١٩] (النساء: الآية ١١٩)، الخصاء. وقيل: المراد به التبتل والامتناع من النساء
[al-Bināyah: 6/683: Dār al-Fikr]

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Posted in Halaal & HaraamMiscelleaneous on 17th Feb 2022 by Our Imam | 5374 Views