Salaah (Prayer)

Adhaan for Alarm

Shortened Question: Is it disrespectful to use the adhān (call to prayer) as an alarm clock? Question: Someone just mentioned that using the adhaan as an alarm clock is disrespectful…Kindly...... read more >

16th Feb 2016 by Our Imam

Jumu’ah Salah

Shortened Question: Is it still necessary for me to observe the Jumu`ah prayer in the particular case given? Question: Asalaamualykum-wa-Rehmatullaahi-wa-Barakaatahu-wa-Magfeeratahu! Mohatram Mufti sa... read more >

9th Feb 2016 by Our Imam

The timing of `Asr salaah

Shortened Question: How late can Asr congregation be observed at? Question: Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatoohoo Recently there has been a new trend I have come across where some...... read more >

28th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Sajdah of Women in Salaah

Shortened Question: Where should a female place her elbows in sajdah? Question: As-Salaamu-Alaikum While growing up I attended a Madrassah in Durban and was taught that when a female reads...... read more >

26th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Imam and Interest

Shortened Question: What is the ruling about praying behind an Imam who takes out interest based mortgage? Question: Salam, Sheikh I got an urgent question about interest as my local...... read more >

20th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Fear praying Salah

Shortened Question: How do I ward off the fear and panic attack stopping me from Salaah? Question: Salam. Please help me it`s like I am in a dark. Please guide...... read more >

18th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Distractions in Salaah

Shortened Question: How do I respond to distractions in Salaah? Question: Salaam. I wanted to ask a question which is really important to me. Whenever I pray Namaz, before I...... read more >

17th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Missed Salaah and Fasts

Shortened Question: Do I have to perform the Qadha of missed Salah and fasts while I was a Muslim as well as of when I became non-Muslim? What is the...... read more >

17th Jan 2016 by Our Imam