
Rings for Men

Shortened Question: Is it permissible for men to wear any ring? Question: Asalaamualykum-wa-Rehmatullaahi-wa-Barakaatahu-wa-Magfeeratahu! Mohatram Mufti sahab! Umeed hai Aap hazrat khairiyat se honge!... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Wedding & Walimah Dress

Shortened Question: Is it permissible to wear a “walimah / wedding” dress? Question: Assalamualaykum Is it permissible to wear a “walimah / wedding” dress? jzk Answer: In the N... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Wedding Receptions

Shortened Question: What is the Islamic ruling on wedding receptions? Question: AssalamuAlaykum What is the shar’ee view on wedding receptions? jzk Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Graciou... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Posting Links Job

Shortened Question: Is it permissible to make money by posting advertising links on http://www.telexfree.com/? Question: Asslamu Alaikum Mufti Saheb, With reference to Fatwa #28134, wherein you have a... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Sinful person and community service

Shortened Question: Should a sinful person be allowed to offer public services? Question: Respected Mufti saheb, Assalamu Alaykum It is my sincere dua that this letter reaches Mufti Saheb in...... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Lost In Love

Shortened Question: I want to marry this boy who has abandoned talking to me. What should I do? Question: Asalaamualaikum. I am writing from Scotland this is a very important...... read more >

24th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Divorce due to Parents

Shortened Question: Should one divorce his wife on the command of his parents? Question: Should one divorce his wife on the command of his parents? I ask referring to Prophet...... read more >

20th Jan 2016 by Our Imam


Shortened Question: Is it permissible to call people by harmless nicknames? Question: As-Salamu-Alaikum. Is there any Hadith or Ruling regarding giving people nicknames (petnames) derived from their o... read more >

20th Jan 2016 by Our Imam


Shortened Question: What comprises a beard in sharia? Question: As Salamu Alikum Respected Mufti Saheb. Where does the beard start and end? Is it permissible to remove excessive hair on...... read more >

20th Jan 2016 by Our Imam

Using Waqf Property

Shortened Question: What are the rulings pertaining to Waqf? Question: I trust that Mufti Saheb is well, and pray that Allah (SWT) protects Mufti Saheb always. A: My query relates...... read more >

20th Jan 2016 by Our Imam