Query on a Qur’an ayah

Shortened Question:

Why is the ayah in reference mentioned only in that one place?


There is nonly 1 place in quran where the verse ya ayyahul latheena aaminu comes in the middle of an ayah which verse is it? Why is it only in that one place?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

The verse in reference is a section of āyah 136 of surah an-Nisā. Allah Ta`āla states:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا آمنوا بالله ورسوله والكتاب الذي نزل على رسوله والكتاب الذي أنزل من قبل ومن يكفر بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر فقد ضل ضلالا بعيدا

Translation: O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray.

It is correct that this verse appears only once in Qur`an. The words `O you who have believed` may refer to:

  • All faithful Muslims – hence, “O you who have believed (and assented to Allah), believe in Allah (while remaining steadfast and excelling in perfection)… “. This is the mostly accepted view. [Tafsir al-Qur`ān al-Ażīmli al-Imām Ibn Kathīr, 3: 238, Dar Ibn Jawzī, Riyadh]
  • hypocrites – hence, “O you who have believed (outwardly), believe (sincerely) in Allah …”
  • polytheists – hence, “O you who have believed (in Lāt, Uzzā, Taghout and other false deities), assent to Allah …

[Al-Jāmi` li Ahkām al-Qur`ān li al-Qurtubī, 3: 360, Dar al-Hadīth, Cairo]

  • Ahl al-Kitāb (the people of the book) – hence, “O you who have believed (partially in some of the books and prophets), believe (entirely) in Allah …” [Al-Kasshāf li as-Zamakhsharī, 1: 571, Dar al-Fikr Beirut]
  • Those who bring faith by day and disbelieve by night – hence, “O you who have believed (by day) believe (even by night) in Allah … ”

[At-Tafsīr al-kabīr li al-Imam al-Fakhr ar-Rāzī, 4: 242-3, Dar Ihyā at-Turāth al-Arabī, Lebanon]

As to why the verse in reference appears in that place, At-Tafsīr al-kabīr li al-Imam al-Fakhr ar-Rāzī [4: 242, Dar Ihyā at-Turāth al-Arabī, Lebanon] mentions that it is linked to the preceding verse which is:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا كونوا قوامين بالقسط شهداء لله ولو على أنفسكم أو الوالدين والأقربين إن يكن غنيا أو فقيرا فالله أولى بهما فلا تتبعوا الهوى أن تعدلوا وإن تلووا أو تعرضوا فإن الله كان بما تعملون خبيرا

Translation: O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is All-Knowing with what you do.

Hence, it is rare and difficult to stand firm to justice without complete believe, conviction and faith mentioned in the verse in reference. Only true faith will assist a person in standing firm to justice.

As for your question, “Why is it only in that one place?”- that is best known to Allah Alone.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Hanif Yusuf Patel

Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


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Posted in Qur'an & Hadeeth on 1st Mar 2016 by Our Imam | 1924 Views