Freedom or No Freedom

As practising Muslims in Britain, we are civil and loyal to the country which we reside in. We firmly believe in British values of tolerance, respect, equality and justice. We are also firm believers of freedom of choice and speech. However, we also believe that this freedom, should not be discriminatory or completely without limits. These limits should be clearly defined and imposed indiscriminately by due process of law.

In the aftermath of the cartoons depicting the Prophet, a question arises, “do the majority of Muslims perceive the cartoon of the Prophet as an expression of hate and intolerance or of freedom of speech?” In general, it is only for the particular faith group to decide whether the cartoons is mocking and insulting to their Prophet or not. Similarly, is it freedom of expression and choice to draw a depiction of the Prophet and provoke unnecessary response but not to wear a dress or symbol required by one`s beliefs?

How should we react in response to the publications of cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad?

  1. We must take this opportunity to learn more about the Prophet, inculcate his love in our heart and implement his blessed character and ways in our lives. The Holy Qur`an commands the believers to follow the ways of the Prophet and take him as a role model in order to attain closeness to God and acquire peace, tranquillity and paradise.
  2. We must remember that we are fortunate to reside in a country which recognises religious practices and sensitivities. We must adopt the political and legal channels provided by our country to advocate our cause. We tolerate and advocate for freedom in choice, freedom in speech, freedom in beliefs and so on as long as in a manner that does not cause harm to others and does not violate the rights of others.
  3. We should be just, peaceful and indiscriminately in our response. It is important that we embody highest morals, justice, modesty and lofty character to Muslims and non-Muslims alike and in all situations. We must not cause harm to anyone or ridicule any religion or their rights and beliefs in raising our concerns. The Holy Qur`an explicitly prohibits Muslims from killing innocent people and hurling abuse at, ridiculing and mocking other religions, including their beliefs and practices.
  4. People of different ideologies should engage with one another and share their views in the free market place of views and opinions. This is an attribute of a healthy pluralistic society, where free exchange of ideas is welcomed and encouraged. This will also aid in challenging religious intolerance. In this case, Muslims should seize the opportunity to invite non-Muslims to consider the religion of Islam in peaceful dialogue, purely on academic, spiritual and theological bases.

What is the Islamic view on the concept of freedom of speech/, expression and choice?

People of all religious traditions and none should be allowed to express their ideas, beliefs and practices, within the remit of the laws of the state, as long as the rights of others are not infringed, and no one is forced to agree with the other. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists and so on should be able to practise freely on their theological and ideological views. No law or no individual should impose a form of religious expression on others, nor stop others from freely expressing their religion. The Holy Qur`an explicitly states that there is no compulsion in religion.

The religious activities of a particular faith group should be tolerated and accepted. People have the free choice of both participating in religious activities, celebrations or ceremonies in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others; and, at the same time, there should be tolerance of others if they choose not to partake and they should be at complete liberty to opt out, on the basis of their religious traditions and sensitivities or ideological convictions.

We may have our differences with others, but we must be tolerant of them and agree to disagree. Tolerance does not mean that one has no belief but how ones beliefs guide one to deal with people who disagree with him. May God help us to learn our religion of peace, practice it and propagate it to others. Ameen

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Posted in Uncategorised on 23rd Jan 2016 by Our Imam | 898 Views