
Drawing Cartoons

Shortened Question: Is it permissible to draw cartoon characters? Question: Asalam Aleikom I know drawing is haram, but I heard cartoons can be permissible depending on purpose. Is all kinds...... read more >

27th Nov 2021 by Our Imam

Advice on depression and suicidal thoughts

QUESTION: I’m feeling suicidal and depressed. I also been diagnosed with c-ptsd (complex post traumatic stress disorder. My husband seems to not want anything to do with me anymore. He...... read more >

20th Nov 2021 by Our Imam

Removing chest hair

Question: What is the ruling for a man or woman to remove their chest hair for one’s marriage partner? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most...... read more >

24th Feb 2021 by Our Imam