
What is Ramadhan?

The month of Ramadhan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar.  This month may be of 29 or 30 days depending on moon sighting. The Arabic word Ramadhan is derived from the root word ra-ma-dha which means “to burn”. Hence, the sins of a person would burn away and be eradicated by the virtue of this holy month (as long as the person fulfils his obligations in this month and truly values it). This month is also known as “the month of Allah”.


There are many purposes of fasting have been recorded in the Holy Qur`an and the Prophetic traditions:

  • To gain the happiness of Allah Ta`ala
  • To develop Allah consciousness (taqwa)
  • It is the grace of Allah upon us
  • Fasting is exclusively for Allah and, therefore, He himself will exclusively grant the reward of fasting
  • To develop self-restrain
  • To be shielded from evil and illicit temptations
  • To create sympathy and empathy for the poor and less fortunate people


There are several Prophetic traditions which explain the virtue of this month

  • All sins are forgiven. Prophet (peace and salutations be upon him) said: Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadhan with true belief and seeking reward from Allah will have all his previous sins be forgiven. Whoever stands [at night in prayer] in the month of Ramadhan with true faith and seeking reward from Allah will have all his past sins forgiven.
  • It is known as “the month of Allah”. It is evident that all months are from and belong to Allah; however, this month is honoured with abundant rain of special and exclusive mercy and attention from God which no other month enjoys.
  • It is also known as “the month of the Qur`an”. This month is a means of divine blessings descending upon the people. It is the month in which various eminent prophets received their scriptures. Similarly, the whole Qur`an was revealed in one go from the sacred tablets (lawh mahfuz) to the first skies on the night of power (laylat al-qadr) during this month. The Quran was then revealed from there bit by bit to the Prophet (peace be upon him) throughout the course of twenty three years based on the time and need.
  • It includes the night of power (laylat al-qadr), the worship in which is better than the worship of a thousand months.
  • The doors of paradise (mercy) are opened
  • The doors of hellfire are closed
  • The rebellious devils are tied in chains
  • People are freed from hellfire
  • Allah loves greatly the fasting person. In fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: the odour emanating from the mouth of the fasting person is certainly better than the fragrance of musk.

What to do in Ramadhan

The following are some practices to ensure a productive and fruitful Ramadhan:

  • Every Muslim who is sane and has reached the age of maturity must abstain from food, drink and conjugal relations during this month from true dawn (sub`h sadiq) till sunset with the intention of fasting. However, it is not permissible for a woman in her menses or post-natal bleeding to keep a fast. Similarly, shari`a creates ease and allows temporary exemption from fasting for those who may fear severe illness or deterioration of health in keeping the fast. This includes reasons such as: breastfeeding, pregnancy, ill-health, excessive old age and travel above shar`i distance. However, it must be remembered that the above will temporary excuse a person from fasting if the factors cause severe deterioration in health for the person or the child (in the case of breastfeeding and pregnancy). Furthermore, the missed fasts must be compensated for after Ramadhan. A person should seek advice from a reliable scholar in determining whether their factor is a legitimate reason for postponing the fasts and how they can be compensated for.
  • Make a firm intention to observe each obligatory prayer at the masjid with the opening takbir
  • Be punctual with the tarāwīh prayer
  • Increase in dhikr, the first kalimah, durūd and istighfār
  • Read the Glorious Qur`an abundantly
  • Abstain from places of sin and vice
  • Try to stay as much as possible at the masjid
  • Spend the last ten days in i`tikāf
  • It was the practice of the pious predecessors to spend the month of Ramadhan in the company and service of the saints of Allah
  • Express kindness and generosity particularly to neighbours, relatives, friends, poor people, and, in general, all people
  • Increase in supplications
  • Read daily the sayings and the works of our pious predecessors on self-reformation and development.
  • Conduct daily ta`lim (collective reading) on the merits and virtues of the month of Ramadhan. This will inculcate the importance and honour of this holy month within the family and thereby increase the passion to perform righteous actions.
  • Observe the tarawih prayer (a 20-unit prayer during the nights in Ramadhan). We should try to listen to the recitation of the complete Quran at least once throughout Ramadhan in these prayers.
  • Implement the regular practice of the Prophet which was to seclude himself in the mosque during the last ten days of Ramadhan (i`tikaf).
  • Eat the pre-dawn meal (suhur) since there are many rewards and benefits in partaking thereof
  • Hasten the opening of fast at sunset (iftari) with dates or water
  • Apply miswak (even in the state of fasting)
  • Learn (from scholars) what is permitted during fasting and what breaks the fast
  • Make a reasonable and practical timetable

May Allah Ta`ala accept our Ramadhan. Ameen.


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Posted in Uncategorised on 5th Jun 2016 by Our Imam | 1529 Views